
4 Crystals that help you in ultimate energy healing

Energy Healing is a holistic way of easing your pains in life. Pain comes to everyone and in all forms. Whether it is physical or emotional, any pain can dampen the spirits of life. 

Healing crystals plays a major role in holistic healing not just today, but from ages and thousands of years. Gemstones have been part of many civilizations and they have been used from healing to amulets to jewelry extensively. 

From using Jade in traditional Chinese medicine to the pharmaceutical use of Lapis Lazuli in the Ancient East, gemstones are the grandmother of earthly herbal energy healing.

Healing crystals are known to align your energies and bring a balance in your aura and energetic body of yours. Shifting the energy blockages can open up a new renewed and rejuvenated life. This bright and powerful energy of crystal stones brings new life like bright sunlight on a gloomy day.

Today we bring you 4 crystal stones that are known to help you in powerful energy healing.


Relieving energies, This purple stone eases pressure and strain from the body, lessening stress and eliminating energy that weighs you down. Amethyst additionally supports good sleep which is fundamental for wellbeing and prosperity. Known as the stone of tranquility this stone is sure to bring a new shift in energy. Read more about Amethyst here.

Rose Quartz

The beautiful and flawless Rose Quartz, with its delicate pink color, is a crystal stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It conveys the delicate feminine energy of compassion, harmony, tenderness, and healing. 

It talks straightforwardly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears, feelings of hatred, and encircles your heart with divine cherishing energy all through the whole aura. Read more about Rose Quartz here.

Black Tourmaline

While Black Tourmaline may appear to be boring black, it's an immensely amazing crystal stone for the individuals who need to wear a steady stream of protection cloak. Powerful, dark, and with solid protection powers, this black gemstone is known for being a swallower of negative energies. It successfully assists the wearer with being cleared of dull negative sentiments, transforming these restless vibrations into a positive twist that supports their spirit. Read more about Black Tourmaline here.


Selenite Gemstone clears the auric field, unwanted energy in the body or surrounding environment, and from other crystals. This healing crystal is associated with the crown chakra, which represents spiritual connection and transformation. Read more about Selenite here.

While these are the main energy healing stones you can use to clear the bad energy, there are other stones which are equally powerful and help you in your energy healing process. 

Here are our honorable mentions that we couldn't skip mentioning- Clear Quartz, Labradorite and Black obsidian. These three are known to be very powerful in clearing the negative energy and help you heal holistically. 

Bad energies can be heightened by emotional baggage or a loss of spiritual self and this can be something that solely relies on the relationships you make in life. Using crystal therapy as a tool to other avenues can bring light to those darkened corners and can lift you up to stand strong. This therapy helps you find your true inner self. We at Tru Crystals send loads of love and light to come out of those darkened corners of life and bask in the sunshine of love.

We at Tru Crystals Bring you highly energised, reiki infused healing crystals to bring positivity in each of your lives. With our curated collection of crystal stones,  you can be rest assured to receive a top quality gemstone in each of your purchases.

We have specially curated many collections of healing crystals that include Crystal pyramids and crystal points.

As energy generators, Crystal pyramids and crystal points clears the energies of the space and generates positive vibrations wherever you keep them. 

Crystal Pyramids hold a special place in Reiki. Crystal Pyramids help you to fulfill your desires and amplify your positive energies of life. While crystal points are a great way to point that positive energies to the area in which you need them the most. 

You can check our entire collections of Crystal pyramids here.
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