6 healing crystals to energize your sacred space
Sacred space is something we all need to bring the best out of ourselves and to know who we are by heart! Bringing vibrant energy healing elements to this space can help you unwind in a beautiful way you could imagine.
Healing crystals are one such high-energy earth elements that can help you release and acquire energy you may need to be the best of yourself.
Creating a sacred space is like creating a little universe for yourself. It is your soul garden. A place where you can wander with your higher thoughts. A place to connect to universal consciousness. Building this place needs to be as sacred as the place itself. Practicing energy healing in this space will be highly beneficial to any individual.
Everyone is unique. Knowing why you need a sacred space will let you decide on how to work further. Do you need this space to meditate and manifest? Renew energy? Or just to relax?
Knowing your requirements will help you to a great extent to build your sacred space.
Using healing crystals and gemstones is one of the best ways to ensure your space with balanced energies. These healing stones will aid you in growing your inner self and allow you to manifest all your dreams.
Here we bring you 5 crystal stones that everyone must own.
These crystal stones carry their unique energy vibrations that will help you rejuvenate every time you spend quality time with them.
Without wasting any time let's get to the list of the 5 best healing crystals that will help you in creating a space of restoring yourself!
Rose quartz
Check Our Rose Quartz collection here
The gentle pink color of the healing crystal rose quartz is something that no one can hate! Rose quartz is a gemstones related to the heart chakra, a healing stone of Unconditional Love.
Rose Quartz conveys delicate female energy of empathy and harmony. The crystal stone talks legitimately to the Heart Chakra, dissolving anxiousness, fears, and feelings of hatred.
Rose quartz healing crystal helps you cherish positive vitality all through your aura. Stirring the heart to its own natural love, gives a profound feeling of individual satisfaction and happiness, granting you the ability to genuinely give and get love from others.
This is one gemstones everyone must own!
Check Our Amethyst collection here
A healing crystal of Serenity and peace! This beautiful purple gemstones connects you to divine energy by balancing your mind and bringing that focus. Amethyst is known for controlling bad and wrong thoughts. This crystal stones will help you keep your mind balanced with fruitful positive thoughts helping you have a perfect day each day! This is one of the healing crystals that promises you instant feel-good vibrations.
Black Tourmaline
This black crystal stones is a top choice to keep away all the negativity entering your mind and space. Black Tourmaline is an ancient gemstones of protection known to give protection from every sort of negative influence that you might come in contact with. Black Tourmaline is also a powerful grounding Healing crystal, electrical in nature, providing a connection between Earth and the human spirit. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. Placing this stone in your altar or sacred space is a must.
Check out our Black tourmaline collection here
Clear Quartz
The master healing crystals! Packed with power and energy this is a must for everyone! Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.
Clear Quartz has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. As a gift from our Mother Earth, Clear Quartz comes to us with information for the higher self to assimilate in the process of one's spiritual growth.
Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all 7 chakras. Since Clear Quartz absorbs energies very easily, it is important to clear this healing stone on a regular basis.
Green aventurine
The stone of opportunities, money, and luck!
Aventurine gemstones has been utilized by humans for over two and half million years. Tools made with aventurine rocks were found in the Omo Valley in Ethiopia.
Green aventurine is more powerful than the other aventurine colors (brown, blue, orange, peach, purple, red, silvery-grey, or yellow). This healing crystal has long been thought to bring abundance, good luck, and opportunity.
According to folklore, carrying a piece of green aventurine in a left-side pocket imparts good luck. Green aventurine is also known as "fairy treasure" is used to bring good luck to one's home by placing three stones in a dish and setting them in a wealth corner.
Another easy way to keep this money magnet is by wearing our exclusive money magnet bracelet and wealth and prosperity Crystal bracelets.
Wearing Crystal jewelry is the simplest way to keep the healing crystal with you always to garner the best of opportunities in your day-to-day life!
Selenite is ideal for a wide range of energy healing. It is one of the not many minerals that can rapidly unblock stale energy and eliminate negative energy. Selenite crystal stones amplify the energy of whatever is put upon them.
To purify or reactivate your Crystal jewelry and gemstones, lay them on your Selenite Cleansing Plate for at least 2-4 hours.
Selenite safeguards an individual or space from outside impacts. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and furthermore disperses negative energy. The strong energies of Selenite assist one to associate with one's guides, guardians, and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or put around in your sacred space.
Check our selenite collections here
With these 6 healing crystals we believe anyone can set their sacred space and energize it with positive vibrations to reap the best of benefits.
We at Trucrystals Bring you highly energized, reiki-infused healing crystals to bring positivity to each of your lives. With our curated collection of crystal stones, you can be rest assured to receive a top-quality gemstones in each of your purchases.
We have specially curated many collections of healing crystals that include gemstone jewellery and crystals in raw forms, tumble stones palm stones, crystal decor etc
The colorful crystal stones are believed to help you in energy cleansing, aura cleansing, and balance you from within. Each of your purchases comes with detailed how-to-use guides, crystal details, and more. This helps even a beginner know how to effectively get the benefits out of crystals.
With that said, we believe we all are connected to one consciousness, let us reach that higher consciousness level together with the help of these lovely crystals from mother earth.